Deep Root Service

Keep your trees and shrubs healthy and strong with our deep root fertilizing service


Deep Root Service

$ 188 .00
  • We treat each tree and shrub with what is referred to as "Triple 20".
  • 20% Nitrogen
  • 20% Potassium
  • 20% Phosphorous
  • PLUS Iron and Manganese.
To select a date of service enter your phone number and press BOOK NOW!!


The special we have running right now on Deep Root Feeding is just $188. That includes performing the Deep Root Feeding process on all "woody ornamentals" on your entire property. We understand some properties have more trees than others, but Mile Hi Services specializes in neighborhood volume discounts, we are prepared to treat all of your "woody ornamentals", WHICH IS ALL OF THE TREES & SHRUBS on your entire property, all the way around your house for a total of $188.